The average consumer meets certain financial milestones throughout their early adult life. Generally, they start saving for retirement shortly after their 26th birthday and the same year, they attain a credit score greater than 700. In the middle of their 27th year, they have saved $10,000. A year later, at 28 1/2, the average individual has paid off their student loans. And, at 29, they have taken the biggest step towards building their long-term wealth, the purchase of their first home. While many factors can impact when you reach these milestones, contact me, your San Diego Buyers Agent, for a buyers strategy session to help determine if now is the right time for you.
Justin Gramm is the founder and principal broker of Globella Buyers Realty, your San Diego Exclusive Buyer Brokerage.
Exclusive Buyer Agents do not list homes for sale and never represent sellers. They have no "inventory" to try to sell you. They can represent you in purchasing any home. They are specialists at representing buyers only on the buyers' side of the transaction. Exclusive Buyer Agents work to get buyers the best price and terms when they buy a home.
If you have excellent credit and plan to buy a home or condo in San Diego County within 90 days, contact Justin Gramm to hire an agent on your side of the transaction. More about Justin Gramm on Google+. Call Justin at (858) 437-2662 or E-mail.